Professional website
This course is done with Marylou Gabrié and is divided in two parts. I provide below the support for the first part of the course focusing on Optimal Transport for Machine Learning.
Course overview:
We provide a short practical session introduction to discrete Optimal Transport. The material for te session (notebook + data) can be downloaded here.
Practical sessions will require a working Python environnement with the libraries Numpy/Scipy and Matplotlib installed. You can get such an environnement for Windows/Linux/MacOSX on Anaconda. Installing the POT Python Optimal Transport library will be necessary.
Here is a list of nice references and Python tutorials :
Marco Cuturi, Optimal transport for Machine learning, also all his publications.
Peyré, Gabriel, and Marco Cuturi. "Computational optimal transport with applications to data science." Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 11.5-6 (2019): 355-607.