Here you can find a list of some the talks I gave and their slides.
- 2023-12-16, Learning on graphs with Gromov-Wasserstein : From unsupervised learning to GNN
[Slides], [Video], Keynote, OTML workshop, Neurips 2023.
- 2023-11-03, Template based Graph Neural Network with Optimal Transport Distances
[Slides], Learning on Graphs Meetup, Paris, France.
- 2023-11-09, SNEkhorn: Dimension Reduction with Symmetric Entropic Affinities
[Slides], MICS Seminar, École CentraleSupelec, France.
- 2023-10-10, Introduction to (Python) Optimal Transport
[Slides], École CentraleSupelec, France.
- 2023-10-02, Optimal Transport for Machine Learning : 10 years of least effort
[Slides], Journée “Fondements Mathématiques de l’IA”, Paris, France.
- 2023-09-15, SNEkhorn: Dimension Reduction with Symmetric Entropic Affinities
[Slides], New Monge Problems and Applications conference, Paris, France.
- 2023-03-30, La stratégie du moindre effort pour apprendre aux machines : Transport optimal et intelligence artificielle
[Slides], [Video], G. Peyré & R. Flamary, Conférence grand public Mathématiques étonnantes, SMF, Jussieu, France.
- 2023-05-02, Optimal transport for graph modeling and Graph Neural Networks
[Slides], Séminaire Palaisien, ENSAE, Palaiseau, France.
- 2022-07-04, Optimal transport for machine learning tutorial
[Slides], [Slides], Course, Hi! Paris Summer School, Paris, France.
- 2022-01-26, Optimal transport for graph data : Barycenters and dictionary learning
[Slides], Invited talk, Statistics & Computer Science Day for Data Science, Paris-Saclay.
- 2021-11-04, Optimal transport on graphs : Barycenters and dictionary learning
[Slides], Séminaire Parisien d’Optimisation, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
- 2021-07-19, Optimal transport for machine learning : learning with optimal transport
[Slides], SIAM 2021, Mini-tutorial, Online.
- 2019-12-12, Adapter une IA à de nouvelles données : La stratégie du moindre effort
[Slides], Séminaire grand public, Alliance française, Vancouver, Canada.
- 2019-11-29, Optimal Transport for Machine Learning
[Slides], Habilitation to direct research defense, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France.
- 2019-04-08, Optimal transport for machine learning tutorial
[Slides], [Slides], Tutorial, ISBI 2019, Venice, Italy.
- 2018-12-15, Optimal Transport for Machine learning : Domain Adaptation and structured data
[Slides], Meeting ANR MAGA, Nancy, France.
- 2018-11-15, Intelligence artificielle pour la détection de lentilles gravitationnelles
[Slides], Scientific days, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Nice, France.
- 2018-01-26, Astronomical image reconstruction with deep convolutional neural networks
[Slides], Cosmostat Day on Machine Learning in Astrophysics, CEA Saclay, France.
- 2017-12-09, Domain adaptation with optimal transport : from mapping to learning with joint distribution
[Slides], Invited speaker Neurips OTML 2017 Workshop, Los Angeles, US.
- 2017-11-16, Optimal transport for machine learning
[Slides], Keynote, General Assembly GDR ISIS, CNRS, Sète, France.
- 2017-05-04, Joint distribution optimal transportation for domain adaptation
[Slides], Optimal Transport meets Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning, Oaxaca, Mexico.
- 2016-04-04, Optimal transport for domain adaptation
[Slides], Invited talk, Statlearn 2016, Vannes, France.
- 2014-12-13, Optimal transport with Laplacian regularization Applications to domain adaptation and shape matching
[Slides], Oral presentation Neurips OTML 2014 Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
- 2011-12-06, Apprentissage statistique pour le signal : Applications aux Interfaces Cerveau-Machine
[Slides], PhD thesis defense, Rouen, France.
- 2011-04-19, Mixed-norm regularization for Event-Related Potential based Brain-Computer Interfaces
[Slides], Seminar, Cornell, USA.
- 2011-01-10, SVM, apprentissage de noyaux et filtrage vaste marge
[Slides], Seminar, Creatis, Insa Lyon, France.
- 2010-08-24, Learning Spatial Filters for Multispectral Image Segmentation
[Slides], Oral presentation MLSP 2010, Kittila, Finland.
- 2010-05-19, Filtrage vaste marge pour l’étiquetage séquentiel de signaux
[Slides], Oral presentation, Conférence en Apprentissage 2010.